Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Organizing Your Workout Schedule

Today I'll talk about my workout schedule. A lot of people have a workout schedule, but no organization to it. I'm going to try to help.

How should I organize my routine?- First and foremost, we will start with what body part you will workout on said day(I do not do full body workouts). I believe you should all ways put your weakest, or body part you want to emphasize, first in your weekly line up of workouts. I also organize my workouts  in away that allows them not to effect my next workout. let me show you what I mean

Sunday=Back- I want to emphasize my back, so I do this first in the week. My body is well rested.

Monday=Chest- While back is a pulling movement, chest is a pushing movement. I feel that my chest workout is not hindered by my prior back workout.

Tuesday=Rest Day- On this rest day I try to up my carbs and help my body overall to recuperate from prior workouts.

Wednesday=Legs- Legs are your largest muscle group, so I try to all ways have a rest day before so I can properly destroy my legs.

Thursday=Shoulders/Traps- My this time my upper body is recovered and I am able to lift shoulders as heavily and intensely possible.

Friday=Bi's and Tri's- Sometimes my tri's do get sore from my shoulder workouts. This is okay though, since I purposely do arms last because they are an easy to grow body part for me.

Saturday=Rest Day- Time to recover. This is always my cheat day. Since I eat clean 6 days out of the week this is my day to indulge myself

I also try do abs and calves every other day, alternating each other

As you can see I have done more than just throw my workout schedule together. Put some thought into how you organize your routine and I bet you will see results. Any comments or suggestions are welcome. Next I will probably talk about what workouts I do and how I train!


  1. Post progress pics and don't forget to take your multi, good luck with your fitness goals in 2011!

  2. talk about strange. Flip legs and back and you pretty much have my routine!

  3. Sounds legit bro!
    Best thing is to always put your lacking muscle first or on a carb up day!

  4. nice blog man

    follower a fellow miscer at http://www.reddit.com/tb/f0q2l
