Monday, January 10, 2011

New Blog Direction

A little bit about myself. I have had the dream to bodybuild since I was a tiny 15 year old soccer player. I have dedicated a very large amount of time to it. From a starting weight of around 165-170 soaking wet I have been (although I am currently 220lb) 245lbs, with abs visible. My goal is to go pro. It's a dream, but I am determined.

On this blog I will post, my diet and workout. But what I really want to do is provide information that is not common to bodybuilding. I am young but I do believe I have a large amount of information to share. 

So bro's or gal's, please leave questions or comments. I'll answer anything (including Cell-Tech) to help you guys out.


  1. I had some movement. keep up coming.

  2. Awesome man! I too am a bodybuilder and like working out! I look forward to your next post

  3. Looking forward to your next post!
    You should check out my blog,, for some random stuff regarding lifting and strongman training

  4. Then it hit me... i am psyklops.

  5. Damn bro 245 with abs? I would like to be 220 with abs lol. How tall are you?

  6. I'm 5'll and 1/2. I may be 6' now. Haven't measured my height in a while.
